The Actüel card offers a 75% discount on all trips taken in a TER Bretagne train or bus, as well as on trains to and from Pays de la Loire. To be eligible to the card, one must fill at least ONE of the following conditions :
- be registered at Pôle Emploi Bretagne as a jobseeker for more then 4 months (categories 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8), without allocation or with an allocation below 80% of the French Minimum Wage « SMIC » (915,20€ net/month) ;
- be an « allocation de solidarité Spécifique (ASS) » beneficiary ;
- be a social minimum beneficiary : either of « RSA socle » (activity allowance excluded), or of the Elderly people allocation « Allocation de solidarité aux personnes âgées (ASPA ) », or of the Asylum applicants allocation : « Allocation de Demandeurs d'Asile (ADA) » ;
- be in a specific reinsertion work contract : « Contrat d’accompagnement vers l’emploi (CAE) », « Contrat d’avenir, CIVIS » ;
- be a beneficiary of Handicapped Adult Allocation, « Allocation adulte handicapé (AAH) », or of the temporary allocation « Allocation temporaire d'attente (ATA) » ;
- aux apprentis et pré-apprentis.
→ People still in the Asylym application process are supposed to receive ADA.
→ People granted a protection status, whether asylum or subsidiary protection, may be a RSA beneficiary and may be registered as job seekers with Pôle Emploi Bretagne.
Both can apply to the Actüel card :
Both can apply to the Actüel card :
- online ; please fill out this online form
- or on paper : please download, print, fill out the Actuël flyer and send it, with all requestered documents attached, toContact TER Bretagne, BP 90527, 35005 Rennes Cedex
Requested documents for asylum seekers are : domicilation certificate, ressources certificate (OFII), identity card or certificate.
The Actuël card is materialized by the KorriGo card. And can be added to an already owned Korrigo card. Some already have a Korrigo card, for exemple our friends in Brest, who use it in Brest public transportation.
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